Chateau de Gudanes Book: A True Love Story Never Ends

Prepare to be spellbound by her story! An 800 year old castle left forgotten and abandoned, its stories almost erased and its aristocrats long fallen… Until, an Australian family, the Waters,  arrive on the scene, to save her.

This is a story filled with love. Passionately written, photographed and designed by the owner, Karina, as she undertakes the restoration. The love for the Chateau felt in every word written and every detail on each page. 

And so, inevitably turning each page you fall further and further down the rabbit hole, feeling as if you have left your own world completely behind and fallen altogether into this adventure. Not only will you be compelled to help save and restore the Chateau with her, but beyond this, arriving at an entirely new sensation… you will find yourself wanting to move in!  

But, this story isn’t just a fairy-tale. For the very first time this is a true story of restoring and living in a chateau. It is about finding the courage to pursue your dreams, staying strong amongst countless uncertainties, learning to be fearless in the face of never-ending challenges, all to find your way home, and to find love.   

And so, if you have ever dreamed or wondered what it would be like to purchase a property in France, live in and restore an ancient castle, wished to discover the secrets of this magnificent building’s history, wanted to see all the before and afters of her restoration, or simply are the believer in everlasting love stories then this is a gift to give yourself or to someone you treasure. A gift for every season...

Altogether the Chateau de Gudanes Book, gold-foiled and embossed, contains 352 pages - each and every one tailored to share the story and filled with images of the Chateau photographed in all times of the day, in all the seasons, and in the past and the present. 

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